
What did I do this year?

Solidity Exercise - TimelockEscrow/TripleNestedMapping/...

Solidity Exercise - Inheritance/NestedArray/...

Solidity Exercise - Idiot Betting Game

Solidity Exercise - FizzBuzz

Solidity Exercise - Encoder

Solidity Exercise - Fabonacci

Solidity Exercise - Donations

Solidity Exercise - Divide

Solidity Exercise - Distribute Transfer V2

Solidity Exercise - Distribute Transfer

Solidity Exercise - ABI Decode

Solidity Exercise - Cross Contract

Solidity Exercise - Basic Bank V2

Solidity Exercise - Basic Bank

Smart Contract - Auction


Flink CDC - Syncing Data from MySQL yo MySQL

Flink CEP Practice

Data Lake -- Hudi Tutorial

Pulling Data From Mysql to HBase

Build Realtime Data Flow With Canal

Build a pipeline from MySQL to Kafka

Hbase Notes

Flink Tasks: Top Hot Products/Page View

Flink Realtime User Analyses

Spark User Analyses

Flink Realtime Word Counting

Kafka Tutorial

Kafka Notes

Flink Tutorial

Spark Machine Learning

Spark SQL Practice

Word counting by spark cluster

Spark Tasks

Flume Practice

Sqoop2 Practice

Clickhouse -- Brown University Benchmark

Spark Running Mode

Spark RDD - Spark Shell Word Count

Spark RDD - PySpark Word Count

Spark RDD Usage - Part 1

Azkaban Usage - Part 1

Scala Programming - Part 2

Scala Programming - Part 1

Hive Windowing and Analytics Function - Part 3

Hive Windowing and Analytics Function - Part 2

Hbase Practice

Clickhouse Tutorial

Hive Beeline Tutorial

Partition and Cluster in Hive

Sqoop Usage

Word Count - find the top ranking words used in an article

Install Hadoop and related components automatically

HDFS commands

Machine Learning - Pandas

Kafka collect nginx log through flume

Create Hive UDF with IntelliJ

Hive Windowing and Analytics Function - Part 1

Datawarehouse Model Design

HIVE select output without header

Max Compute - 搭建互联网在线运营分析平台

Hadoop Warnings

Hadoop Tutorial

