Max Compute - 搭建互联网在线运营分析平台

Posted by Bourne's Blog - A Full-stack & Web3 Developer on April 14, 2022

1. Aliyun Services involved

  1. Tablestore
  2. MaxCompute
  3. DataWorks
  4. QuickBI

2. Prepare data

Create Tablestore instance and generate fake user data. step by step document is here.

3. Create tables (in Dataworks)

first, create a business process in Dataworks; create tables:

  • create an external table ots_user_trace_log(use ODPS SQL node, to sync data from table store);
  • create table ods_user_trace_log;
  • create table dw_user_trace_log;
  • create table rpt_user_trace_log;

Add resource jar/file, which will be used to translate ip address to region(province/city).

4. Work Flow Design

In DataStudio, add a virtual node and 3 ODPS SQL node to business process; and link them like: start -> ods_user_trace_log -> dw_user_trace_log -> rpt_user_trace_log;

The logical work flow looks like:

graph TD;
A2[Start] -->|ODPS ods_user_trace_log| T1[fa:fa-table ods_user_trace_log];
T1 --> |ODPS dw_user_trace_log| T2[fa:fa-table dw_user_trace_log];
T2 --> |ODPS rpt_user_trace_log| T3[fa:fa-table rpt_user_trace_log];

save the work process, submit and run.

verify data in a temp query builder.

select * from rpt_user_trace_log where dt=20220413;

5. Present in QuickBI

This practice was based on 云原生大数据计算服务 MaxCompute > 产品教程 > 搭建互联网在线运营分析平台